Monday, January 28, 2008

You Know You're A Grown Up When........... make an appointment to get your teeth cleaned without anyone having to remind you.

.....strangers compliment your best friend on her new haircut and you don't feel the overwhelming urge to race out and get your own hair styled the same way. aren't embarrassed to admit you still like Motley Crue. has finally registered that snooping around on your husband's computer---whether it be checking his history or reading his email---will never make you feel better, but only cause trouble. remember to change your sheets before you can't remember when you last changed them. realize that sometimes it really is better to say nothing at all if you can't say something nice.

.....even though you have a great behind, and can rock a pair of low rise jeans like nobody's business, you have embraced the truth that butt cleavage is a big mistake for anyone over...well, for anyone, actually.

.....your sister/boss/bff is in a lousy mood and you let her ride it out, rather than trying to jolly her out of it. buy yourself an overpriced pair of boots, a weekend in San Francisco, or a new puppy---just because you can.

****This was COPIED out of Redbook Feb 188*** I just liked it!