Tuesday, January 29, 2008

WHAT? Speak up!!!!

This is what I have heard today........"What?"........."Can you speak?".........."Are you OK?"......or people have been politely smiling at me. I have laryngitis and cannot speak! Its great until your business phone rings and your husband has to answer it, OR your kids are doing something wrong you are trying to correct them, OR your dad calls you with Girl Scout Cookie orders from his work and you need to respond, OR you have lunch with your friends in a loud restaurant (It is Taco Tuesday at Rosas), OR you want to try on some new CUTE sunglasses and need help because they were in a glass case........and a whole list of other things! Very frustrating!

I have gotten lots of advice: gargle with salt water, rest, dont try to talk, drink tea with lots of honey and lemon, drink a hot toddy or two or three (whatever it takes...I was told), have cough drops.

Lets hope the voice fairy comes by tonight and drops mine off! I need it!

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