Friday, January 18, 2008

Conversation with Grant

A recap of my conversation with Grant after praying with him before bed last night:

Grant: Mom, do you know what the best part of being a kid is?

Me: What, Grant?

Grant: I will get to live a long time......... Mom, were cartoons in black and white when you were a kid? (*******Did he read the post about me already feeling a little old?*********)

Me: No....there were tvs that only showed up as being black and white, but there was still color tvs, too. We watched the Smurfs, Scooby-Doo, and shows like that.

Grant: What is the Smurfs?

Me: A cartoon about these little blue people.

Grant: Like Blues Clues?

Me: Well, not exactly, but it was a show about how we should work together and get along, despite our differences.

Grant: OK Mom........goodnight. Do you know where my blanket is?

He was done talking! He is a funny boy......

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