Thursday, January 3, 2008

Lysol, anyone?

Poor Thomas, my Sweet Babboo, has the throw up virus. It started last night about 6 pm. We had had a fun day-----we drove through McDonalds for Happy Meals (and put them all in my purse and Jills purse....we were going to the movies and needed some "nourishment"); then went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. They laughed and laughed........even decided which of the chipmunks each was:
I thought their choices were pretty accurate for their personalities. I did not mention this conclusion to them.......: )
After the movie, we came home, played some pool and foosball, played with the puppies, played basketball with Daddy, Thomas shot his BB gun with Daddy, and we came inside.
After a few minutes, Thomas says his stomach hurts. I told him to lie down for a while and be still. He fell asleep on the couch, so I told Jonathan that we probably would not be going to church as he is preparing for his Wed night class. He calls the preacher----problem solved.
Then Thomas is walking to the bathroom.......does not make it.........Jonathan cleans it up so that I do not throw up, too. Poor Thomas has had a hard night and morning, but I am now out of Lysol! not good.
Jonathan is in Waco working (he doesnt feel so hot either) and will be home around lunchtime.
I am not loading everyone up to go to the Dollar Store for Lysol. I just dont think I can do it today-------plus what if Thomas throws up in my Suburban??????????? no.......I am not going yet.....that solves it. When J gets home I will make a Lysol run.
Hope all of you stay well...........

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Hey... I have enjoyed all the posts from Lady! They are so simple, yet so profound. Hope Thomas gets better soon. SICKNESS STICKS :) Hope everyone else doesnt get it. Better get more Lysol ASAP!!!