Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Myriad of Posts This Morning..........

First of all, the company I work for, which I am not allowed to mention on the internet (silly, I know), sponsored Brian Burns for 2 shows to be presented to the students in grades 3-7 of La Vega ISD in Waco. He does the story of TX History through music and some other songs, like that "I've Been Everywhere", "Pico De Gallo", and others. He is really talented.
Anyway..........he was asking the 4-5 graders who the Father of TX was. The students that knew raised their hands and the response of the first boy he called on was "GOD". WOW, I thought! I hope that my own children have the courage and confidence of the boy who gave that answer. (Wouldn't that boys mama be proud!!!! If only I knew who he was......I would write his mama a letter!) Brian acknowledged his answer as a correct one, just not the one he was looking for in this context----I dont know if he has ever gotten that response from a kid before!

THE GOLDEN COMPASS...........I hope you all got the email that circulated about this movie.
Thomas came home with a Scholastic Book Order form yesterday where the book based on the movie is on the front page! It is even marketed with a Golden Compass necklace if you purchase the book. Of course, that is the one he wanted. More because of the necklace than the book, I think. (He is in to necklaces-----shark tooth ones, gold, silver, he doesnt care!) I went on to explain to this first grader that we will not buy the book for the same reason that we did not see the movie. We will not support someone who is actively trying to teach kids the exact opposite of what we are teaching. It's hard to be 7!

Speaking of age.........I didn't feel "old" until yesterday. As we were driving to a surprise bday party after church last night, Jonathan says, "How old are you going to be this summer? 35, isnt it?!" I almost died. I never thought about it like that-----it just sounded old. I know Pops, Vi, and EE are laughing at me right now. Lets not say 35 out least not until I have time to get used to it! (5 months)

Weird Dream..........Monday night I had a dream that my Suburban was sitting in front of J's parents house in Abilene and was the only car in the driveway. (That is weird in itself because there are usually 3-4 cars there even though only 2 people live there!) In my dream, I walk out to the front porch in the dark and there are people stealing the parts off of my car! I start yelling (Funny, because I am not a "yeller") at them that "we worked hard to pay off that car and now we are going to have to buy another one because of you people". I get out my cell phone and call 911 and tell the operator the deal and she says "I am sorry ma'am. The number you are calling me from is not even an Abilene number" and hangs up. Then J's dad drives up in some van with brochures all over it---he sees them taking my parts, tells them to stop, and walks in the house with me standing on the porch!
Thank goodness I woke up from that dream. I dont want to have to buy another Suburban!

That is my randomness for the morning. Love to all! V


Shelley said...

Thanks for the randomness!! Love the suburban story. I would feel the same way :)

Anonymous said...

Oh how I LOVE that you are growing up.,....I only grew out.! to think of you as 35 did you really say 35, HA 35!!!!!! i MUST tell you Happy B-Day now-- as you might realize when you get my age I might not remember it so Happy Day today..... XOXO, VI

Anonymous said...

35 is such a wonderful age to fact, they are all wonderful. Love the random thoughts and reports.

Much love

Anonymous said...

35 is such a wonderful age to fact, they are all wonderful. Love the random thoughts and reports.

Much love