Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where is my video camera?

As Jonathan and I were having a peaceful lunch today (the kids were already done and wanted to go finish their movie by the time our lunch was ready---so we let them---thus, the 'peaceful lunch'), he mentions all of the birds in the field next to our house. I get up to look and OH MY GOODNESS--there are lots of birds. The black grackels, I think they are called. MILLIONS.
So, I run (well, kind of) to get the camera to take a pic of the millions of birds and go outside.
I took a pic (not that great of one or you would see it here) and J is then outside and says take a video from your camera. I tried-----again, not great or you would see it here. But.............
the funniest part of the whole thing is.............looking out into the field and seeing your 5 year old chasing after the birds with a pool cue that goes to the pool table. He is running and holding up the pool cue like he is a gladiator or something. (He knows better than to go in the field---really, he does.) After dying laughing and with no picture, no video, no nothing of him doing it......we yell for him to come back to the inside (it is 40 degrees out there), watch him climb back over the fence, walk to the house, and back inside. It was all so hilarious----us having a peaceful lunch thinking the ALL the kids are watching their movie, then going to see the birds and seeing Grant running after them with the cue! Oh..............the joys of living in the middle of nowhere!
(With no video camera.....well, not one that I like. hint hint Honey........)

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