Monday, July 28, 2008

All things BASEBALL!

This is what a baseball fan looks like after he has been running, is sweaty, and decides to play in the sand!

These are the excited spectators that were not playing in the sand, but were having a green snow cone! Doesn't J look excited in this one??
Thomas with his medal for participating in the district playoffs......
Thomas with his trophy for a great season......their presentation was at the waterpark.....thus, the swim trunks.
Grant with his mean old coach at his trophy presentation.
This is the team that Jill (bottom row right) was picked up for at the State Tournament in Holland. They got second....the other team from our town beat them by ONE point!
Jill's biggest fan...........her POPS!
Jill and her friend Cassie....they have been on the same team for 2 years.
The base runner!
The two teams from our town......first and second place in the state! Congratulations, girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now those are some good pics. I have enjoyed the baseball, softball games, and some practices, and probably always will. That sandy looking guy.... T H, had some hard playing that day, and so did G. You are getting better and better at this electronic stuff my girl.
love you