Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Update + Sing Song 08

If you were not able to make it this year, Sing Song was great! The kids and I had a great time.
J did not go because he had a prior commitment with the powerlifting team, so we took his mom, LADY, along.

We sat in Section E.....14th row. I do not remember those steps being that steep!!!!!! I was holding on for dear life going up and down those steps! How did we used to do that everyday for chapel? Does that mean I am getting old?

Wanna know the best part? KOJIES WON! : )
We went to the Sat afternoon performance (forgot my camera) and then they tied with Siggies in the "appearance" category. I was telling Jill that we tied and she said "it's OK Momma.......its like you both got first" I said "We dont want to tie----we want to WIN!" Good job, girls. Its hard to believe I pledged 16 years ago. Does that mean I am getting old?

We also had a good time with Lady, Grandad, Ben, and Clara. Jenny was sick, so Ben and Clara spent the weekend with us at Lady and Gdad's. On Saturday morning, I realized that I had forgotten the kids' dress socks and went to get more. Clara went with Jill and I to get some and upon our return, Clara was out of her seatbelt and on the ground before I even opened my door!
Face down, in the rainwater, crying, and BLEEDING! She scraped her chin on the curb and was soaked from the water. I picked her up and all I could see was blood-----you should all be proud that I did not faint! She (THANK GOODNESS) did not need stitches, just Barbie bandaids and some dry clothes!

After church on Sunday, Lady took Jill and I to Michael's to purchase some knitting supplies.
She taught us how to knit! Now we just need to practice!

Had a little scare today when Dad called to say that he was being taken to the hospital in the ambulance for chest pains. He had triple bypass surgery 6 years ago. After hours of tests and waiting, the dr determined that he just had some kind of "cramp". He is supposed to go see his cardiologist this week and go from there. To celebrate his being OK, he and I went to Olive Garden. We were starving!

Hope you all have a great week!


Shelley said...

We will pray for your dad. That is so scary. Sure wish we could have been at Sing Song... I have read lots of blogs that say it was AWESOME!!! Happy Monday.....

Anonymous said...

Glad you had such a fun weekend...and that Tommy is OK.
Give him a 'hello' for me!

Love e.e

POPS said...

TCEE, I suppose is Ellen or Pukey, as she is more affectionately known to those of us that love her, well Harold Lawson was asking about where u are. He is still working in real estate in Lovington and asked me, but I have no idea if you wanted him to have ur info or not. I don't have a phone # for him to call, so if you want to contact him, i told him i would pass the info on to you. Thanks for the thoughts Pook and love ya