Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Baseball..........

Sometimes I wonder why we do the things we do. Friday, for example, why would we drive to Brownwood to watch a high school playoff baseball game when we have to be at our field at 8 am Saturday morning to watch Jill? The answer is..........family.

Addie's husband, Jeremy, is the baseball coach in Hawley. His team was playing in Brownwood......so after a long HOT day with Thomas at his field trip (more on that later), we packed up and headed out. We met Tim, Hope, and Hannah in Gatesville so we could all ride together. (Jennifer and Luke were at 6 Flags)

Here is Addie with the girls and Moseley. I dont know why H kept on putting the water bottle in front of her face!

Addie and Moseley.......this is the brother to our dog, Love.
Lady and some of the grandkids.
Lady and Tim.........where is my picture of Grandad??
A funny pic of me and Jill.........doesnt really have anything to do with the Brownwood story....just a cute pic.

Of course the top picture of Underwoods had to be included! We ate dinner there........yum.
We even saw some of our friends from Sweetwater that were on their way back home from the state golf tournament. Small world.


Anonymous said...

Vanessa, Does the pic of Underwoods look good to me!!!! We have been gone from Bwd. a year this month so things like that look really good. We only ate there occasionally (usually with out of towners). But always enjoyed. Hope the game went in your favor. It is nice to put a face to Lady. Now I will know who she is when I read her works. A. Vi

Shelley said...

I hope you ate a roll and some cobbler for me :)

POPS said...

Yum, Underwoods. do you know, that is the place granddad would take Nanny and I when we went to Lubbock when I was a kid. I ate at this one too when I went to Brownwood for the Government to the VA there. I asked the lady behind the register about it and she said that is the sole remaining Underwoods and there were 6, one in Lubbock.