Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weird Things

In response to Shelley's challenge to come up with 6 weird things about goes!
1. I record the Young and the Restless while I am at school everyday and watch it when I get home in the afternoon or all at once on Friday night or really whenever I get a chance!! I have been doing this since you had to actually record onto a VHS tape........I guess I was in college when I started all of this! I am definitely thankful for TeVo and the digital world---its much easier AND you cannot accidentally record over yesterday's episode!! I know......I know........its a soap opera, but I like it!
2. I put on my lip gloss before my lipstick! Its a Merle Norman trick that works for me!
3. My brain picks out words that are incorrectly spelled. It is terrible-----in the newspaper, billboards, wherever.......they jump out at me!
4. I actually want to go on Fear Factor. Jonathan and I could win! Neither of us are squeamish and would do all of that crazy stuff (even drink blended tarantulas!) for a million dollars!
5. I like to eat squished up Chips Ahoy cookies with milk on top-----I think Cathe did this first and I just copied her when we were little. Sounds gross I know, but you should try it. This is the reason that I don't buy those cookies anymore...I end up eating the whole package.
6. I know there has got to be something else........but I can't think of it at this time! If you think of something, leave it as a comment! THANKS!


Jonathan said...

I can come up with 6 things for you:
1. Gets mad when you kiss her and your lips are moist.
2. Won't mop or take out the trash.
3. Strangly attracted to anything shiny.
4. Thinks that even though we are married and not twins that it is fun to be "match, match."
5. When you talk on your cell phone we all can hear you breath through your nose to the point that we can hardly understand you.
6. Is opposed to working out when when it makes her face red and sweaty.

Vanessa said...

1.When your lips have tons of skin lube on them, it makes my lipliner run.
2.It's not that I won't mop or do the trash, its that you are better at it than I am.
3.Look up how to spell "strangely".
4.I don't care if we are "match..match".
5. "breathe"...not breath...then get me a new phone
6. comment : )

thomascrow9 said...

I'd just like to say, you have been recording those soaps since you were in junior high. Remember, I would come home and you would be watching them. I still loved you anyway, but could not understand the attraction. oh well!!!!