Saturday, December 2, 2006

Shelley inspired me!!

After reading all of my cousin Shelley's postings, I have decided to enter the blogging world. I have just learned how to text message from my sister, Farrah, and now I am jumping into this! Bear with me as I figure out how to upload the pictures-------I am not technological as you can see! I will try to keep this updated as I have time---it is December---and there is a lot to do before the end of the year!

The biggest thing for me is that I am changing careers. Starting in January, I will be working for Horace Mann Insurance instead of teaching Life Skills at West High School. This has been a difficult decision to make, but Jonathan and I feel that it is the best one for our family. I will be out of the state a lot in January while completing training for the new job------thank goodness I will not miss Jill's eighth birthday on the 14th. I was worried about that.

Speaking of Jill--------she is almost EIGHT! She is in second grade this year and loves sports, reading, Girl Scouts, and arts and crafts. We are pleased with the young lady she has become. She is looking forward to Little Dribblers basketball starting in January.

Thomas will be SIX next week. He is enjoying Kindergarten and has gotten green smiley faces every day except one-------he and another little boy had an altercation on the playground apparently--------he loves his teacher and is learning to read. He also loves sports (the Pittsburg Steelers), trains, Transformers, and mostly all little boy stuff!

Grant is FOUR and he is so funny! He tells me all the time that he is going to love me forever and that he is "mommyish". We have the best babysitter, Cooky, that comes to our house to keep Grant. What a blessing she is to our family! They take long walks, play in the barn, cook, paint, swim in the summer, and even find time for school work! Grant also loves sports (Dallas Cowboys), trains, airplanes, and riding his bicycle.

Jonathan is enjoying the insurance world these days. Last night he and I sold tickets at a playoff game here in West and I asked him if he missed football and he said that he surprisingly missed it less and less. I never thought I would hear that from him! He is a good daddy and husband.

I guess that is all for now------I will seriously try to keep this updated! I look forward to hearing from you all!



Joyce said...

I am so glad that you are doing this and impressed that you know how to do it. What a surprise about your change in occupations. If this is better for your family, then I am very proud of you for doing it. I too am hoping for a change of occupation come May.
Love to all,

Shelley said...

YEAH!!! I am so glad that you are doing this. We will all enjoy hearing from you WEEKLY if not more I hope. Good Luck with the new career. Hopefully we can see you all during the break. Love ya!!

Steve said...

It's great to see your blog. What a wonderful way for all of us to keep up with the Davis'. I can't wait to see the pictures. Your family is very special to me and I hope you know that. I will cherish being able to keep up with the many wanderings and happenings of your clan! So proud to hear about your new profession. I know you will do well. I am proud of you. Hug your kids and love 'em, they grow up way too fast. Can't believe Jill is already 8. Guess that makes you old!!
Love ya...

Anonymous said...

I just got back to work (Noon-Monday) from babysitting the weekend away at Shelley's. Am proud of you for joing the blog world. It is a great way to keep up with all the family happenings!
Take care and much love! ee

thomascrow9 said...

I enjoy your work so much my girl. You are getting very good at this blog stuff. I know my trying is out of the question. I get to see all my grands in the blog and that is something worth the money. I hope your insurance job goes as expected, and don't forget, you have to build a "pops" house on the back of your new one. I will make payments on my part.