Monday, January 26, 2009

What is a Post With No Pictures!??!

Sorry about the lack of pics little SanDisk reader belonged to my last employer and I haven't gotten another one yet. Strangely....another reader-type thing arrived in the mail a few weeks ago (J swears he did not order it...?) and it is not the right type for my camera. UGGGGH! Since he did not order it, I dont have any idea where it came from. The mystery with that continues!

Since my last post, Jill has turned 10! OH MY!! She is growing up too fast for both J and I.
She is in 4th grade and is 5'3", wears my shoes, some of my clothes, and even steals (I mean borrows) my headbands!! She had a fun party....we picked up 6 of her BFFs and went to the movies and out to eat. We saw the Hotel For Dogs movie....the kids were so funny. They didn't even want to get up to go to the bathroom in fear of missing the movie! On my camera are some great pics of them at the party. We are so proud of Jill----too many reasons to list----Dad, you will be proud that she used $25 of her own money (her idea!) buy a new Bible. One that she picked out and that has her name embossed in GOLD on the front and is even indexed! We are so very thankful that she reads the Bible and is making her own choice to do so.........

We have started basketball on Saturday mornings. Jill's team is doing well, despite not practicing! They are having fun and are working together! Thomas's team is doing great, too!
Grant still wonders why Kindergarteners cannot play??!! Next year, G............I have some cute bball pics on my camera, too...........: )

All of the kids got straight A's on their report cards last week. Let me tell you how thankful I am for that, too. After teaching Special Ed for so long........I saw the strugglers. Saw their struggles and their parents' frustration. We've had those moments with our kids, but not near to the extent of some of the kids I've seen. Thank goodness Thomas has a cousin named Beau, or he never would have gotten the word beautiful right on his spelling test!!!!!! : ) well, maybe.......

Jonathan has lost like 15 pounds in 25 days! He is a calorie cruncher (thanks to the Iphone app) and is working out........even RUNNING! He is going to do the next 5K with me in March.
We've even talked about getting a treadmill! Maybe for Valentine's thats romantic!

I start working out with a personal trainer this week......I told him I want arms like Jillian on the Biggest Loser! I may regret saying that......I may not be able to type when he is finished with me!

I started working with Jonathan full time on Jan 1. His business has grown to the point that we both really need to be doing it. Plus, he says, if something happens to him.....I need to know how to run the business to continue to receive the $........TRUE! So, we are back to working together.
We get along and have taught together worries! He even bought me a ROCKIN computer with a lime green top. LOVE it.

I dont think anything really interesting is happening these days.........I am reading The Shack right now. Still not real sure about it. I am about half way through. J's brother read it and after God was portrayed as a woman.......he let it go! I will finish it I think.......its all just a little weird!

Hope you are all well........xoxo


Amy said...

Thanks for the encouragement on my blog today! I SO needed it! I did make it to the gym, despite the freezing rain and 10 degree weather. I could NOT let Satan win again today!!;)

About the Shack. Yes, there are some "strange" things that go on. Yes, God as a woman is WAY out there. But,let me tell you, if you LET it, it will change your life. Try to not think about the strageness of it and forcus on the meat of it. It's awesome! Let me know what you think when you are finished. I'm about to read it that I can focus more on the meat too!!;)

Can you believe we have 10 yr olds???

Kasey said...

Vanessa- you have been so busy. Happy Birthday Jill. That is awesome that you are living healthy life styles. You are great examples to your kids and me!!

Shelley said...

THANKS for the updated! We need to do lunch soon, cuz :) Happy Birthday, Jill!

Angela said...

When you finish The Shack, let me know and we'll chat about it. It is weird but can really change your perspective. Missed you at Taco Tuesday today. We looked for you!

thomascrow9 said...

So proud of all the kids and especially Jill with buying her own bible, and embossed too! You can be proud momma cause where do you think she learns this stuff.... from mom and dad.
Now don't get too pumped up with that personal trainer. I was working out today and talking to the owner. He said working out was hard and I told him to wait until he got close to 60 like me. This young, young girl about 22 said "you're 60"??????? I said on the next bd and she said I sure don't look it. I needed that. So proud of all of you working out, getting healthy and living the good life.
love you all