Friday, November 21, 2008

I am a little behind here!!!!!

Thomas has been practicing with his bow since Dad and Jill came home with a deer last time.
His friend, Brandon, that lives across the street came over for some of the action, too!

What would be so hot that it would cause this face??
And this face??????

Habanero Hot Sauce!!!! I made jambalaya this night for dinner and the kids decided to try the sauce.....straight! Not smart. I do not think they will do that again anytime soon.
Grant, thank goodness, did not follow suit on this one!!

This is the Lady Primrose Warehouse Sale in Dallas last Friday at 7 am. BFFL, her mom, and I had to leave here at 5 to be there to get in line! It was COLD, but we had fun!

Here is BFFL standing in line! People were trying to take stuff off of our cart because they thought BFFL worked there. The look on her face was priceless.


Kasey said...

What do they have at this ware house? I"ve never heard of it.

thomascrow9 said...

My poor grands, they are sissys when it comes to hot sauce. Of course no one eats the good stuff like POPS.
love you all