Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conversation with Thomas, age 7

This is a recap of the conversation I had with Thomas after school.......

Me.....How was school today?

T.......Fine...except one of the kids in my class had to go to ISS (In School Suspension).


T.....She threw rocks at a boy and hit him in the head. He had to leave school and everything because the nurse could not fix him.

Me.....That's not good. Why was she throwing rocks at him?

T.....He had some piece of paper that she wanted and he would not give it to her. Mom, can you imagine being beaten up by a GIRL?


thomascrow9 said...

That's my boy T.H. I can't imagine that either son, so don't give them a chance. If they get mad at you run so you don[t get beat up by a girl. As if they could beat you up.....I think not.
love you all

Anonymous said...

That is TOO funny!

Love you