Monday, March 12, 2007

Minus One Child.............

I am minus one child this morning. Thomas went with Jonathan yesterday afternoon to Seymour (where his sister Carra lives) to play with his cousins--Davis and Jake. It was a surprise for Thomas---he did not even know that he had a packed bag---and we did not want to tell the other kids because they would want to go too and I did not want Carra to have to take care of all of my children--------so just Thomas got to go! Jonathan told him that he needed help taking the trash down the road to the dumpster thing. Of course he did not want to help with this........he does not like doing chores.........unless there is some money involved! That was the cover to get him in the truck!!! He did finally go........He kind of looked at me funny when I was hugging and kissing him and he was only going to the end of the road and back......or so he thought! It is about a 4 hour trip to Seymour, so Jonathan packed his Yugioh cards and book, a spiral and a pencil, and some other car stuff. He did not want to pack the DVD player because he wanted to visit with Thomas........I talked to them when they had been gone about three hours and Thomas had not asked where they were going or anything! He kept asking Jonathan if they could go to Videoworld and pick up some movies for the week.....not realizing he was not in West anymore! I guess they stopped and ate somewhere along the way....when they got to Seymour and pulled up in front of Carra and Jimmy's house he was surprised! Jonathan said he cried after that because he wanted his MOMMA! : ) My Sweet Babboo missed me already! He called and was crying because he missed I had to remind him of all the fun he was going to have with his the time I finished talking to him he was not crying anymore thank goodness......When I spoke to Jonathan this morning, Thomas was still asleep. He is our late sleeper!
Jill and Grant were, of course, disappointed that they did not get to go, too. But we have been busy ourselves this morning. I really am supposed to be working some this week!!!!!!! We have made pancakes and done some laundry!!! We all slept in my bed last night for fun........or so I thought. Grant was in the middle and he was trying to take over the whole bed and it was storming outside and it did not wake anyone else up but me!!!!!
Jill has already organized her drawers this morning........I told her that was her Spring Break project........because her clothes were a mess! Everything in the wrong place, wadded up instead of wonder she could not find anything! She wanted to get it over with she said.
Grant is writing me a letter and he always has to have an envelope for them. They usually say
"MOM then a drawing of a heart and GRANT". The funny one he wrote yesterday during church said BOO DAD! haha
That reminds me of something funny that Thomas said at church yesterday........Jonathan was greeting people as they came in and Thomas said to me and Pops "He is nice here because it is God's house, but when he is at home, he is mean!" poor misunderstood!
Have a great day........................I must get to work!

1 comment:

thomascrow9 said...

And, happy days, Pops got keep Jill and Grant tuesday half a day and night until momma got them wednesday morning about 9am. We played their plug in games on my t.v. since theirs doesn't have a place to plug in to. We also rented movies and watched them until 10pm. Grant almost fell asleep but made it through his movie and Jill's. They fell fast asleep when i put them on the blow up bed, which they love to sleep on, but i cannot figure out why, except that it is different.