They all decided (on their own) to be characters from Harry Potter. Thanks to ebay, the costumes came to our door and I didnt have to go from store to store on the crazy search. It isnt easy to find a costume for a 5'8" 10 year old who wants to be Hermione Granger!!! Harry's glasses have already been lost and Draco's wand had magically disappeared before we even got to Trick or Treat!!!
THANKS to my cousin, Shelley, for making over my blog and fixing my attempt to put a picture in the header!!!!! I love the new look! Im ready for FALL!!!!!
Our fridge is stocked with about 5 bottles of peppermint mocha creamer (my fave......I buy a bottle every time I go to WalMart, whether Im out or not!), egg nog, and caramel macchiato creamer for Jonathan. Let the coffee/egg nog drinking season begin!
I ran 5.2 miles on the treadmill on Friday. That's the furthest I've done on there! Im trying to work up to a 10K!!!
Today was the boys last day of football. Their teams both got second place! (There were only 2 teams in each league btw..........) They had fun though and thats what matters. Deer season opens next week and then they'll be gone with their Daddy!!
We are meeting some sweet friends (Lee and Stephanie....check out their link) of ours for dinner tomorrow night in Temple. They are leaving Nov 10 to be missionaries in Lima, Peru. Stephanie just had a c-section baby a few weeks ago & they have 2 other preschoolers. Please remember them in prayer!!!!!!!!
Jill is also trying out for a select softball team tomorrow afternoon. We have mixed feelings about this. It will take a lot of time, but she LOVES it. We just did 6 weeks of football with the boys......she went to their practices &, its her turn. However, this will involve a little more time!! If she doesnt make it.......we wont have to worry about it I guess!!!!!
Happy extra-hour-of-sleep everyone!!!
Horay, you're back blogging. I took you off my list b/c I thought you were only on F.B.!! I'll have to put you back on friend. Great costumes for the kids.
Thank goodness you are back on the blog. I have missed the updates. I keep trying to get the Davis and Bragg kids to update theirs sometime, but so far......... well you know, they are busy.
شركة نسر الجنوب للخدمات المنزلية
من افضل شركة التي تقدم الخدمات المنزلية بمنطقة عسير ابها وخميس مشيط واليكم بعض من خدمات ابها الشركة لديها كافة الفروع في منطقة الجنوب عليكم بالتواصل معنا الان لتلبية خدماتكم وطلباتكم
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بابها
شركة كشف تسربات المياه بابها شركة التميز الجنوبي , نقوم بكشف تسربات المياه بأفضل معدات الكشف واجهزة الكشف عن طريق افضل العمالة المدربة على اعلى مستوى اتصل بنا عبر الويب سايت الخاص بنا
شركة عزل اسطح بابها
عزل الأسطح من الخدمات المتميزة جداً التي تقدمها شركتنا شركة نسر الجنوبي للخدمات المنزلية عزل الخزانات وعزل الفوم بأفضل معدات العزل ,
شركة نقل اثاث بابها
نقل الأثاث من الخدمات التي لا بد من توفرها في شركتنا , حيث السركة لديها افضل السيارات وافضل أدوات التغليف اتصل بنا الأن
شركة رش دفان بابها
رش الدفان من أهم خدمات الشركة التي تقدمها , الشركة ليدها كافة خدمات الرش والمكافحة ومن ضمن تلك الخدمات خدمة رش الدفان خدمات مكافحة الحشرات عن طريق شركة مكافحة حشرات بابها
خدمات التنظيف تعد
شركة تنظيف منازل بابها
تنظيف وتعقيم المنازل وكافة خدمات المنزل من غرف ومطابخ وحمامات وتنظيف الشقق الجديدة
شركة تنظيف خزانات بابها
خدمات ابها
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