Saturday, April 5, 2008


A few posts ago I mentioned our dog Cocoa..........I also mentioned that I love that little dog!
After his run-in with the barbed wire, we checked him out and he seemed like he was going to be OK. On Thursday, I was looking on the spot on the inside of his back leg again and YUCKY looking it was. My BFF Taos Lurker was here (she is the dog queen----seriously she may have 7-8) and I had her look at it. She almost gagged, too. We decided that Cocoa should go to the vet that day. He went that know, you take your kid to get an allergy shot, then off to the vet for him to look at your other "kid".........Dr Meurer said that he would need to put Cocoa to sleep, remove the dead tissue, and stitch him up! He also had to spend the night because of the sedation........he is also taking the pink bubble gum antibiotic (the same one your other kids take) so that he does not get an infection!

Sweet Jonathan picked him up from the vet. He was not a happy Budget Nazi. NOT GOOD.
I told him that he knows that if it was our other dog, Love, who is his favorite......that we would not be having this conversation.

I was not one to look at pet insurance before..........I will check into it now..........I could even sell it!

(I am home alone. Jill is at a friends house and J and the boys are helping brand cattle today at another friends house. SO PEACEFUL I might take a nap-----or clean the house!)

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