Thursday, August 30, 2007

This crazy week...........

OK........I want to start off by saying I really am glad to have our school routine back. However, I don't feel like I get to "visit" with the kids as much! Jill and Thomas get off the bus around 4 and Grant gets home around 5.......then I am trying to help with homework, get dinner ready, eat dinner, have everyone bathe and set out their clothes for the next day, read bedtime stories, brush teeth and THATS IT! They are in bed and we do it all over again. We do get to visit for a little while when the kids get home and, of course, during dinner......but it just isn't the same as in the summer where we let the kids stay up late, sleep late, and then took them to Cooky's late. Jonathan and I both office out of our home, so on the days that Cooky came here, we could see the kids some at least! I guess I could quit my job and home school........but I dont think that is my calling (I am borrowing your phrase, Lorie!).
The kids started school on Monday. That morning my sweet husband reminded me that in 10 years, Jill will be at ACU. Where has the time gone? Jill also got her ears pierced the day before school started---she looks so cute. I am still shocked that she actually wanted to do it......she is starting to like SOME girly things again, and that has been fun for me!
Yesterday she got bit by something that made her arm swell up pretty bad. I took her to the Dr today and he said that it was a spider or a Mexican beetle. A WHAT??????? I know........I sounds crazy. Personally, I think it was probably a spider or something. She now has an antibiotic to get rid of the fever from the bite, an excuse for PE (she was not thrilled about that one), and more Benadryl. He did say that she could still wash dishes, clean her room, participate in the Westfest parade on Sat morning (has to be there ready to go at 7:30!!), and go to Westfest. She was glad about that one.
Thomas is off to a good start in First Grade. He has not gotten in trouble and is doing his homework. The funny thing about Thomas is that he think he has to look "just so" every morning. He gets that from his mean ol' Daddy! He has also started spiking his hair in the front just a is cute. I know that Amy and Shelley would post cute pics here, but I just am not patient enough to wait while they attach.
West has a youth football program and Jonathan is going to sponsor a team and BE THE COACH. hilarious. He coached Varsity sports for 10 years and now has begun to be the little league coach. I never ever thought he would do it, but I think it has been good for him and for the boys. They can both be on his team because 4-7 yr olds are in the same league. Jill also wants to play.......I had to explain that it is for boys only. She can be a cheerleader for the team......they do have those.......Shelley, we will need lessons.......quick! : )
Grant has had a good week being back in the Cooky School routine. However, Ms. Cooky did fall on Tuesday morning during her normal 3 mile walk in the dark like at six am. She ended up fracturing one of her ankle bones and has to have an air cast for a while. She still thought that she would be able to keep up with G though......He even gave her some tips like "Take a flashlight and shine it right in front of you where you walk". Thanks, Grant.
On Wednesday morning of this week we went to a service for a baby (Peyton Brooke Huffhines) of some friends of ours that was stillborn. I have not been to a service for a child since our sweet niece Maddie died in 1999. HEARTBREAKING. I feel very blessed to have had 3 healthy pregnancies and 3 healthy babies.
Please pray for our friends, David and Misty Huffhines, and their other daughters Makenzie, Ashton, and Kyndall. They need it desperately.
One day this week J and I applied for passports. : ) He is on track to earn a cruise for his job. It will be next summer and will go to Western Europe. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.
Jonathan played in a softball game tonight in Waco and the kids and I went to cheer him on. I don't think I have EVER watched him play a sport.....when we met he wasnt playing football at ACU or Angelo State anymore......He did a good job........despite that fact that he was 10 yrs older than most of the other players!
Cooky and her husband are on their way to the coast tonight, so G and I are going to hang out tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. I still have to do some work tomorrow, but I am going to set myself a time limit!
All the kids and I are going to Westfest tomorrow night for armband night while J goes to the football game in Salado. He does not miss a game.....and he ordered College Game Day on the Dish.....can anyone say football widow??????? That's me.........and I thought that was all over when he stopped coaching! ha
Saturday we have the parade in the morning and a birthday party and Hannah marching in Waco that night. There will be another party on Sunday night after church........on Monday we hope to rest! Labor Day is great, isnt it? I guess those who are not off dont think so.......
Its 11 pm now........I am turning into a pumpkin......goodnight all!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I am so glad that you are becoming a "regular blogger!" I love getting updates. Tell Jill I would love to give her some "Cheer" lessons. WHAT FUN! Hope the spider bite heals quickly. Glad Thomas is making it in the big first grade. Grant is too cute.... I am sure he can take care of Cookey while she heals. Take care... wish we had labor day off!!! But i am not complaining b/c school has only been in for a week. Who really needs a break! Love ya......