SING SONG AT ACU===The kids and I went and had a good time! Why doesnt the iphone have a flash???
KJK won (good job, girls!) and we enjoyed the show! Some nice person in the ticket office even let me exchange our tickets for some on row 8, instead of row 50, due to the ankle! THANK YOU!
Thomas Jefferson on the left; Lincoln on the right......(also our neighbor)
I went to a Mom Slumber Party last Fri night while J took the kids to see the Jonas Bros 3D concert! I think I had more fun........somehow no group pic from the mom time we will definitely do that! IF we can get everyone off of Facebook! haha
Baseball season is upon us.....OH MY! I better start the cooking/freezing/finding Crock Pot recipes now..........these practice and game schedules times 3 kids in 3 leagues is chaos. : )
The kids got report cards yesterday.....out of the three of them, only one got a B in one subject! The rest A's......we are blessed and THANKFUL.
Dad.....the TX weather has been in the 80s this week. Its glorious! Family Yard Work Day is tomorrow......Thomas asked why he had to help........I told him "it takes a village"!
Happy Weekend to ALL!
Glad you are back! Yes, we do need to "do lunch."
I like your new blog look!!! So Spring. Looking forward to more posts!! I'd love to teach you how to do Walgreen's. Maybe a vacation to Texas sometime!!!!
Great update! So glad you are back in blog action!
Good news all around sounds like. Also glad Ben had a good bb game and know the kids are looking forward to their seasons. Wish I could be there for some of that wonderful weather since it's sleeting right now and supposed to snow by morning.....yea! NOT!!!!! Anyway, love you and kids, and even J, he's a keeper.
lov eyou
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