Sunday, July 29, 2007


Thursday night Thomas started a fever. Nothing major.....about 100 degrees. I gave him Tylenol and sent him to bed! Friday morning (the morning of my Series 63 test in Waco) he still has the fever. GREAT.
Our wonderful babysitter, Cooky, is not scared of feverish boys, throw up, or any of the other lovely things that could have happened to Thomas. He just had the fever..........all soon as the Tylenol/Motrin combo would wear off. Saturday morning.........still has the fever, but now it is off to the minor emergency clinic we go! The doctor checks him out----no sore throat, no ear infection, no sinus problems---she started poking around on him and he almost jumped off the table when she was pressing on his stomach---where his appendix is! Keep in mind that we are leaving for Galveston on Monday morning for a week!
She sends us to Providence Hospital to the ER doctor---great---Jonathan is at home with Jill and Grant waiting for me to get back because he was playing in a golf tournament that afternoon on a team that he sponsored.
I called him and told them we were being sent to the ER and he is frantically trying to find a babysitter for the other two kids........he did and he showed up at the hospital and so did POPS! Before they had gotten there, the doctor came in and examined Thomas and decided that we needed to have blood and urine samples. Thomas was such a big boy about it all-------he ended up having to be poked three times! His vein tore on the first one; the second one worked except the blood was too clotted when they were going to test it; and the third time went fine except he was mad that they were having to do it again and was embarrassed that the nurses and doctor were seeing him in a gown....
He did not like having to walk across the hall in the gown to tee-tee in the cup because people would see him in the gown.....: )
After a few hours all the bloodwork and urinalysis came back and the doctor said he was FINE. He did not see any reason for the fever and decided that the possible pendicitis was probably just gas. He still had the fever all day yesterday and last night, but woke up this morning like nothing had ever happened. His arm looks terrible where the blood was drawn......but he is back to the same Sweet Babboo! Thank goodness.......
We are off to the BEACH tomorrow. : ) Jet skiing is in my future!

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