Monday, October 1, 2007

Premiere Week.........

First of all, let me start by saying I TiVo almost everything I watch these days......I just dont have the patience to sit through all of the commercials!! Also, some of the shows I really dont want the kids to I record it and watch while they are snoozing!

The Bachelor.........this is a funny show to me..........its so high school, but I love it. The Bachelor this time is from Austin, so I feel like I need to support the fellow Lone Star State person!
LOL! It is on tune in.........

Boston Legal.........I think Jonathan likes this show more than I do. It used to be I think its just kinda stupid. I dont know if I will continue to watch this one faithfully.

Dirty Sexy Money.........whats with the title of that one? We watched this one Sat night. I think it will be a good one. Lots of characters to remember though.

Greys Anatomy.......I was not impressed with the season opener. Maybe it will get better. I like the girl who plays Meredith's sister. As far as Izzie is concerned..........saving a deer in the back of a truck? Lorie would be so proud of her..........

Private Practice........the spinoff from Grey' was OK. Nothing to get really excited about.
I think that Kate Walsh will wish she was back on Grey's...........

Desperate was OK last night.........I really listened to it and worked at the same time.

**I record The Young and The Restless everyday and have for a LONG time! It takes me about an hour and a half to watch the 5 hours I have saved------most of it is fast forwarded through!
I love the show........Jonathan will come in and start asking me questions about the characters though...which is kinda funny. Do I ask him football questions? I think not. I would not know where to begin. I know Brian Urlacher because I used to babysit him and I know Colt McCoy because Cathe used to babysit him. We have had such influence on these football players! ha

As far as our week last week: Jill missed 2 days of school but is now fine---thanks to some pink medicine; the boys finally got hair cuts (they had football pics on Sat); the boys won their football game this time, but I do not remember the score even though I was in charge of the scoreboard; I camped out most of the week in Grandview at their schools and wrote some business thank goodness; Jonathan had his last drawing class and got an award for being a good student (he was also the only student!), but his drawings are pretty good. We had practice and church.........some shopping on Sat (and Sunday with Amber! sorry Lorie--you were out of town!). I need to mention Thomas here, too----the boy got a 100 on his sight word test---a great accomplishment for us all---after studying like crazy all week and even reviewing Fri morning before school.

Hope you all have a great week!!

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