Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Agony of Defeat!

Well.....Thomas's team lost last night. The score was so bad I don't even remember exactly what it was.........we were just glad it was over! Our boys just could not get it together!!! We play again tonight at 6:30...if we win, we play again at 9:00. If we lose........we are out! Jill's team scrimmages tonight at 6:00 in West. We are supposed to be going to Lubbock today for my cousin, Sarah's wedding tomorrow night. It looks like we may make it to Abilene around midnight or so and spend the night at Lady and Granddad's, which is not all bad, because that means we can go to the bakery for breakfast and a few thumbprints for the road to Lubbock.



Amy said...

Hey, Vanessa! I don't know if you will remeber me but I figured you might! I am Shelley's friend!? I read your blog often and I saw on your last post that you think Shelley is the only on that reads....NOPE! Just wanted you to know that I've been lurking!LOL! Come check out my blog sometime!

Shelley said...

Hey... please dont mention thumbprint cookies unless you plan on bringing me a few or at least sending me some in the mail!!! Can they do that???? Love ya.......

Steve said...

Isn't summer's fun with all the running kids around. Sounds like you and Jonathan have a house full of athletes. Keep rolling up those miles to games. They're only young for a little while. And, I'm like Amy, I check your site quite often to see what is happening with your family.
Love ya..