Saturday, March 10, 2007

Trying to catch up..............

I don't know what happened to the pictures from last time.......It takes forever to upload them again and I am not very patient with it all........

The kids have SPRING BREAK this week. I think they have an activity planned for each day. They are excited that tonight is Kid's Night Out at church. There are 2 of our high school students that keep the kids for 4 hours tonight so that the parents can have a date!I guess it should really be called Parent's Night Out, but.......this way the kids think it is for them! We have KNO once a month---it gives the parents a date and the girls a chance to make some $. Tomorrow we may be going to Austin to see Jonathan's parents at his aunt's house. Sunday we have 2 birthday parties back to back with all the normal Sunday activities. Next week the kids want to go to the Mayborn Museum on the Baylor campus, storytime at the Waco library, the movies, the mall (Jill), and wherever else they think they can talk me in to!
I will be leaving on Thursday afternoon for the annual Spring Break Davis Girls Hunting Trip. This includes Jonathan's mom, his sisters and sister-in-law,his mom's cousin and her daughter. My friend, Lorie, is also going this year. She wants to be a Davis Girl, too! We are headed to Lubbock this year---we are seeing a traveling rendition of Cirque de Soleil on Friday night! We might even get dressed up! The rest of the time will be filled with hunting for bargains and visiting with each other. I will return on Saturday night.
Jonathan is busy with his job. He got a contract with a string of nursing homes to write their supplemental benefits, so he has been traveling a lot. His satellite radio was stolen last week along with his whole stereo system, so he was kind of bummed about that!
The robbers (as the kids call them) did not take my GPS system though.....thank goodness! Those of you who know me, know how easily I get lost!
All the kids are fine.....they are shocked that I am letting them watch 3 cartoons this morning instead of two.........its Spring Break they say........OK I a little!


thomascrow9 said...

You're so nice momma,........... 3 cartoon instead of 2. Your dad watched television from morn to night when he wasn't playing sports with the Rackley brothers (3) at their house or mine. Most of the time was spent at theirs and loved spending the night cause their mom, Margret, would make chocolate gravy and biscuits, ummmmmmmmmmmm. Sure do miss those days. Anyway, you all have fun on girls "hunting" trip and am glad Lori is guaranteed to be a "Davis" girl so she can have some fun too. am so glad to hear all is well and love you all

Shelley said...

Hey... I am glad you are back. I check your blog daily hoping that you are back in blogworld. Maybe since it is spring break you can just blog, blog, and blog some more. I love the idea of hunting for girls! That is an awesome tradition... Have a great time. Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa, Good job on catching us up with your activities. Neat to hear about the guy trip for Jonathan and Thomas, and especially exciting for the "Girls Hunting Trip." My love to you all.